The Concourse Donors

Concert Hall Seat Donors
Adams, Carl and Blossom
Alexander, Philip
Barry, Kathleen
Bartels, Greg
Begg-Shaw, Isabel
Booker, Erica
Booth, Anna
Cardew, Linda and Tony
Castlecrag Progress Association
Chan, Audrey and Bernard
Chao, Sylvia
Chikarovski, Kerry
Cislowski, Noel
City Hunter Pty Ltd
Clayton, John and Lyn
Crouch, Tracey
De Carvalho, Noni and Luiz
Demirdjian, Armene
Dey, Lindsey
Ellis, Jeff
Fahey, David John
Fleming, William G
Follent, Martha
Fong, Francis and Jacqueline
Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp
Gidney, Jon
Glissan, Beverley
Goossens, Renée
Holland, Graham and Dorothy
Hong Kong-Australia Business Assoc
Hong, Elizabeth
Huang, Sophia
Huang, Edwin
International Buddhist Association of Australia Co
Johnson, Georgina
Johnston, Mary
Kwan, Edwin
Lam, Albert (Prof)
Lam, Justin
Lamb, Kate (Cr)
Lattimore, Christine
Law, Robert and Rebecca
Lee, Amen and Josephine
Lee, Y K (Dr)
Leung, Wai Seong
Lin, Dick
Littman, Brigitte
Liu, Jimmy Ka Lit
Lu, Alice
Lu, Yvonne Yi Fang
Macquarie Community College
Mak, Andy
McPhail, Donald
McWilliam, Julie
Miyashita, Yoshio and Masako
Mustaca, Heather & Anthony (Cr)
Muzzatti, John
Ng, Jeffery
North Shore Development Centre
Norton, Wendy (Cr)
Nurman, Jon and Lily
O’Bierne, Eilis and Hewton, Anthony
Ong, Eileen (Dr)
Ong, Sian (Dr)
Or, Benedict
Owen, John and Helene
Palmer, George
Pan, Hsiu Yun
Patman, Ruth and John
Poon, Patrick
Prosser, Eileen
Pulsford, Mary
Reilly, Pat and Beth
Renshaw, Marjorie
Ridley, Kathryn
Robertson, Sheila
Rose, Janice
San, Bertie Mum Kwong
Saville, Lynne
Sham-Ho, Helen
Shead Property – Chatswood
Smart, Luke
Smith, Jeffery and Shirley
Snodgrass, Margaret
Spratt, Walter Herbert
Sung, David
Sydney Savage Club
Tan, Chin Ven (Dr)
Tan, Michelle
The Willoughby Seniors Club
Tobin, Nick and Lesley
Tsai, Ken
Tsai, Michelle
Tse, Nelson
Tsui, Selina S.F.
Vartoukian, Ara and Nyree
Waller, Marcia
Widagdo, Therik and Anny
Willoughby Symphony Choir
Wilson, Bruce Albert
Wilson, Robert and Ernst-Wilson, Christa
Wong, Peter (Dr)
Wong, So Mui
Wood, Lillian
Woore, Marjorie
Wu, Sharon Li-Hwa
Wyndham, Susan
Yam, Raymond
Yang, Lam
Yu, Shu- Cheen
Theatre Seat Donors
Bowra, Robin
Bradley, Patricia
Cardew, Linda and Tony
Chen, Jason
Chu, Monica
Chu, Paul C-P
Clifton-Bassett, Marie
Colonial First State Asset Management
De Carvalho, Noni and Luiz
Dockmagian, Burge and Helen
Druce, Peter
Faulkner, Ron and Beth
Fink, Elizabeth
Follent, Martha
Goh, Tony (Dr)
Goldin, Gloreen
Hickie, Philip and Phillipa
Ho, Robert
Komor, Christopher
Lam, Philemon
Lee, Craig
Lee, Pik Yi Chan
Liang, Alice Chen Chun-Hwa
Macquarie Community College
McCurrich, Martin
Merry Makers Australia
Newton, Jill and Richard
Norton, Wendy (Cr)
O’Beirne, Eilis and Hewton, Anthony
O’Grady, Margaret
Ong, Sian (Dr)
Owen, John and Helene
Pender, Christina
Pulse Marketing
R and D Page (Holdings) Pty Ltd
Reilly, Matthew
Renshaw, Majorie
Robertson, Lenore
RTM International
Shead Property – Chatswood
Sutherland, Doug (AM JP)
Sweeney, Tom
Sweeney, Joy
Thompson, Barry and Yvonne
Turner, May and Ken
Wilks, Christopher
Willoughby Theatre Company
Yu, Shu-Cheen
Cultural Facilities Donors
Australian Chinese Cultural Education Activity Centre Inc
Chua. Chon Tee
Egan, Vince and Georgina
Erickson. Cotter and Marianne
Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp
Gaynor. Michael
Goossens, Renee
Greaves, Bob and Lynn
Griffis, Georgia
Grundy, Reg and Laurie
Harper, Katie
Holt, Reg
Jenkins, Beryl
Jenkins, Royston
Kerkyasharian, Stepan
Lahoud, Victor
Mak, Anson
McLeod, Phillip and Suzanne
Resurreccion, Jose, Mariel and Amanda
Sloane, Michelle and Firth, Graham
Sutherland, Doug
Tai-Chi Group
Tin Tak Pty Ltd
TV Carapiet
Venezia, Rosa
Widenbauer, Franz and Lore
Wong, Cathaline
Library Facilities Donors
AMP Life Limited
Demirdjian, Armene
Lee, Krisnaphong Sae Lee (Dr)
Ma, Victor
McDonalds Australia Ltd
New Asia Pacific Travel
Tang, Laurence and Diana
Tseng, Patrick
Children’s Library Donors
Special thanks to the Motor Industry Group
Brookart Pty Limited
Chatswood Toyota
Jack Hillermans Pty Ltd
Wyverns Smash Repairs
Lee Smash Repairs Pty Ltd
McCarroll Automotive Group
Metro Storage P/L
Morrison Motors Pty Ltd
Scotts Motors Artarmon
Sydney City Prestige
The Alto Group
Library – Taiwanese Collection Donors
Special thanks to the Taiwanese Friendship Association
Arkotech Holdings Pty Ltd (Paul Chen)
Cheng, Sylvia Yee-Tin
Chiu, Christopher
Constrategy Pty Ltd (Kevin Lin)
Hsu, Junie
Huang, Jonathan
Ko, Peter Yu Tsai Ko
Kuo, Elia
Lai, Lee Ming
Lee, Jack
Lucky Trading Co Pty Ltd
Min Hung Masssage Clinic
New South Wind Pty Ltd (Thomas Huang)
Pan, Grace
Peter Pan Coach Tour (I-Hung Pan)
Pioneer Consultants Pty Ltd
Ronnebeck, Ling Wang
Sentena Holdings Pty Ltd
Sydney Chinese Culture and Education Centre
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
Tang, Fu-Sui
Tel Pacific Pty Ltd (Peter Huang)
Ten Ren Tea (Aust) Pty Ltd
Tsai, Jenny
Tsai, Ken
Tseng, Ray
Wei, Alice