毛冬,喜剧演员,《脱口秀大会》卡司、《奇葩说》辩手、播客《基本无害Mostly Harmless》主播,带着他的专场《沉舟》和播客来悉尼啦!


Q:「沉舟」什么意思?A:其实是没想出足够满意的,瞎起的。非说的话,可能是因为这半年脑子里总时不时跳出「沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春」这句话。后来想想,可能也有一点对自己「破釜沉舟」的期望。“别的不多说了,都是老朋友了,咱们剧场见。” —— 毛冬


Mao Dong, comedian, cast member of "Talk Show", debater of "Qi Pa Shuo", and host of the podcast "Mostly Harmless", is coming to Sydney with his special "Sinking Boat" and podcast!

Host: Zhang Haozhe

Q: What does "Sinking Boat" mean?

A: Actually, I didn’t come up with something that was satisfactory enough, so I just started it randomly. If I have to say it, it may be because the phrase "Thousands of sails are passing by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of spring trees are in front of the diseased trees" that has been popping up in my mind from time to time during the past six months. Thinking about it later, I may have had some expectations of myself "burning the boat". "Not much else to say, we are all old friends, see you at the theater." —— Mao Dong